Tag Archives: #NoriTheCorgi

Meeting the community

Hey all, it’s been a while since my last post. Since October I’ve been keeping busy living the dream, doing freelance work and meeting some incredible people along the way. Here’s some of what I’ve been up to!

In October I had the honor of taking engagement photos for an old coworker of my fiance’s, in Port Huron, Michigan.

Erick and I actually met in Port Huron. It was really great not only being home, but getting to work with wonderful people in the place I love. Even though it was raining heavily that day, nothing could dampen Liz and Brennan’s spirits and we got some amazing shots at the Blue Water Bridge, Lighthouse Beach, and The Citadel Stage.

Per usual, Nori just waiting for me to finish editing engagement photos so that we can play.

Spanish teacher encourages language retention through communication

Later that month I was tasked with working on a story about a successful Spanish program at Sacred Heart Academy in Mount Pleasant, Michigan.

Nagazi is a band of brothers bonded by metal

I also got to cover a local metal band who were pursuing their dreams of making it big. They recently unleashed their third album and went on tour in November.

My sweet girl trying to stay up with me when I’m working late.

With a focus on research, Central Michigan University, is putting its stamp on the scientific world

I’ve always loved science, but it’s never been my strong suit. So when I was assigned to meet with and do a story on multiple researchers doing brilliant work at Central Michigan University I was excited, but admittedly also nervous. I was worried that some of the information I received in the interview would too technical and I wouldn’t have a full grasp on the concepts and therefore would have to ask a lot of additional questions to clarify. I was worried about looking like an idiot. Luckily, the researchers I met with spoke in layman’s terms and my fears were unnecessary.

Janet Strickler is driven by community

Janet Strickler, co-chair of the Mount Pleasant Women’s Initiative during its ‘Look Who’s Talking’ luncheon, on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2018, which drew a record crowd of 450 attendees. The Mount Pleasant Women’s Initiative is an endowed fund of the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation.

I first met Janet Strickler just before graduation when I had to do a story and a video with narration (link here). The nonprofit center in town was having an open house so that members of the public to get a closer look at the organizations housed at the center. Additionally, it was to formally launch the campaign to purchase the nonprofit center from Victory Church, from which it currently rents. Strickler made a lead contribution in honor of her late husband and she spoke at the open house. I remembered her specifically because she had me teary eyed when she spoke about her husband. She is truly a powerhouse with her involvement and philanthropic efforts and is such an asset to the community.

Graduation, freelance, and puppy love

Hi all! Sorry for having been a ghost for the entirety of the summer. Here’s a summation of what I’ve been up to since May!

I finally graduated! I received my bachelor’s degree in photojournalism from Central Michigan University. It’s been a slow and steady process, but that’s allowed me to work on my side projects and chip away at costs so I won’t have so much debt accumulated.

Even after graduation, spare time has been few and far between! In February, during my last semester of school, my 2005 Monte Carlo, a car that I bought from my father 10 years ago finally died on me. 257,000 miles and rarely any problems, I have absolutely no complaints. Even though it had an overheating problem and the auto shop quoted me $1,500 to fix, my mechanically inclined father refused to let it die. He towed it 3 hours home where he fixed it up for $150 and is loving it.

Between work and school I couldn’t be without a car, so I got my first auto loan and got a 2017 Kia Soul. #adulting


I wanted something that I would have for a long time and would be reliable. Though it looks small, I was really surprised with how spacious the vehicle’s inside is. I also got a great deal. I bought the car through Hertz Car Sales, as a former rental car, the car had just over 17,000 and I bought it for $14,000 with half of it up front and got a loan for the rest. Highly recommend!

My partner and I have also finally taken the jump to fulfill a dream of ours-becoming dog parents!


This snuggly young lady Corgi pup is Nori. While she has certainly been a handful, she has been incredibly well behaved and just a total love bug. If you follow CMU’s Instagram, then those tiny feet and huge ears may look a bit familiar.

Quite recently I’ve also began doing freelance work for the Epicenter of Mt. Pleasant. This has been a really exciting opportunity for me, to do keep doing the work that I love and meeting people in and around my community and documenting all the neat things that they do.

For my first story I met small business owner Matthew Bosko who owns and operates Masterpiece Custom Kitchens in Rosebush, Michigan.

While shadowing this father of five, I thought it was so neat that he had his business in a building just behind the house so he could work at any time, but still stay so close to home and his family. I was so charmed by the children, none of whom I ever saw wearing shoes, as the rode their bicycles in and around the shop and helping their dad vacuum up the ever-present saw dust. Though that might seem like a scary visual, I assure you the children were still always cautious and quite safe in their play.

Here are some photos and if you’re interested in reading the story click here to read the published story on Epicenter. As always thanks for your support!

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